Awasu is a premium rss reader with many useful functions. After testing Awasu I was really amazed, it offers so many nice features:
- getting informed by sound, icon or a upcoming balloon when new stories arrive
- one of the nicest features is the archive. You can go back and get old informations any time you want.
- smart integration of StumpleUpon, Reddit and Google.
- for the more technical of you: The Awasu API, featuring Channels, Reports and Workpads.
- I use Awasu at home and on my laptop when I am on business, the Synchronization makes sure I am up to date on both devices. I also appreciate the sync with Bloglines.
- offline working: Awasu downloads text and pictures of a feed, so you will be able to read even when u are offline.
If you not already have you should definitely check out Awasu, it's my favorite RSS reader, I absolutely love it and you will too 🙂
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